Both the flowering tops and the autumn berries of the Hawthorn tree have been used for millennia as part of our traditional medicine in Europe and Asia.
It is used as a general tonic for protecting the heart and keeping it healthy, hence it’s traditional use with the older population.
Crataegus spp.
Parts used medicinally: Flowers, leaves and berries
Hawthorn is also used by herbalists to help with hypertension and prevention of heart diseases. The berries are a rich source of antioxidants.
You only have to see one tall hawthorn bush that has been allowed to grow to its natural height to understand the other name ‘Queen of the May’. Also known as the Mayflower in Britain as this is the month when this staple of the hedgerows bursts into bloom. She stands tall and her blossoms are creamy white and pink covering every single branch. Truly breath-taking and for those of us living around her, a sure sign that spring has arrived.
Both the flowering tops and the autumn berries of the hawthorn have been used for millennia as part of our traditional medicine in Europe and Asia.